Water |
A) organic contaminants build up |
A) shock treatment, add SM BRITE |
B) suspended particles |
B) add clarifier CLEAR & PERFECT or CLARIFIER |
C) pH high |
C) add MINUS GEL until pH level reads 7.2-7.6 |
D) total alkalinity too high |
D) add MINUS GEL, adjust total alkalinity to 80-150 p.p.m. |
E) hardness too high |
E) add STAIN CONTROL, circulate through a water softener until hardness is 150-280 p.p.m. |
F) poor filtration |
F) dirty filter, clean with CITRA CLEAN |
G) high dissolved solids |
G) empty spa and refill |
Water |
A) dissolved copper, iron and other metals from source water or equipment |
A) use STAIN CONTROL. Have your dealer check water balance |
B) fragrance |
B) stop the use of fragrance |
Foaming |
A) high concentration of oils and organic contaminants being agitated by jets |
A) squirt ANTI FOAM on foam. Add SM BRITE. |
B) soft water |
B) add CALCIUM until hardness is 150-280 p.p.m. |
Deposits |
high calcium level, high pH, high alkalinity |
drain partially, add STAIN CONTROL, correct pH level to 7.2-7.6 and alkalinity to 80-150 p.p.m. |
Odour |
high level of organic contaminants combined chlorine |
shock with SM BRITE |
Irritation |
A) pH too low |
A) add PLUS GEL until level is 7.2-7.6 |
B) combined chlorine due to high concentration or organic contaminants |
B) shock with SM BRITE |
No Chlorine/
Bromine Reading |
A) high concentration of organic contaminants using up sanitizers |
A) add sanitizers until levels are up to recommended range |
B) test reagents may be ineffective |
B) replace at least once a year, keep cool and out of sunlight |